

Mixed Media (2022-2023)

This collection is the culmination of five years of artistic exploration that began during my undergraduate studies at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman and developed into my master’s thesis. Each piece is a mixed media work, blending materials like spray paint, acrylics, oil paint, pencil, and watercolor. Through these artworks, I delve into the concepts of self and presence, seeking to visually articulate the complexities of self-awareness. The layered textures and diverse techniques reflect an ongoing dialogue between the inner self and its external manifestations, inviting viewers to engage with the subtle interplay of identity and existence.

God’s Hands, 2023, Mixed Media on Canvas, 80 × 80 cm

Predicament, 2023, Mixed Media on Canvas, 80 × 80 cm

The pearl

The Pearl, 2023, Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 × 70 cm

The Youth, 2020, Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 × 70 cm

Also-ran horse

Also-Ran, 2022, Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 × 70 cm

Satan and Gods Sinful Hug

Sinful Hug, 2019, Mixed Media on Canva,s 100 × 70 cm


Chaos, 2019, Mixed Media on Canvas, 100 × 70 cm

Angels waiting for newly arrived

Newly Arrived, 2020, Mixed Media on Canvas, 110 × 60 cm

God and Angels

The Discussion, 2023, Mixed Media on Canvas, 120 × 70 cm

Satan and the flames

The Flames, 2022, Mixed Media on Canvas, 120 × 70 cm

Mother God, 2019, Mixed Media on Canvas, 80 × 80 cm

The Angle and The Survivor

The Survivor, 2023, Mixed Media on Canvas, 80 × 80 cm